The Daughter of The God Jupiter


The Daughter of The God Jupiter

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $12.99.

Product short description

SKU: DGJ2014 Categories: ,

The most beautiful story I have ever heard. This story is based on an old tradition, which had been passed on by word of mouth.
The research into both the origin and the title of which, lead the author to its mysterious historical background.

“There was no one in the house who wanted to shake her hand, nor wish her good luck and flourishing future in her married life. Moreover, instead of being picked up as were her sisters by an embellished and newly painted coach on the appointed day, Dalya had to walk the whole distance of eleven kilometers to the registry office. Only there did she meet her bridegroom who had been carried on a crude stretcher…”


Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14 × 1 cm
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